
Researcher @ Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
Jianying Li
Co-work since 2018
Li, J. J.-S. Kug, S.-W. Park, P. Zhai, M. Huang & J.-S. Kim (2022), Distinct magnitude asymmetries of daily extreme anomalies in gross primary productivity between forests and non-forests, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06158-8
Li, J., J.-S. Kim & J.-S. Kug (2020), The Impact of the 20‒50-day Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillation on the Gross Primary Productivity between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Journal of Climate, 33, 2967–2984, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0575.1

PhD student @ POSTECH
So-Won Park
Supervising her Master and PhD thesis since 2018
S.-W. Park, J.-S. Kim*, J.-S. Kug* (2020), The intensification of Arctic warming as a result of CO2 physiological forcing, Nature Communications, 11, 2098, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15924-3
S.-W. Park, J.-S. Kim*, J.-S. Kug*, M. Stuecker, I.-W. Kim & M. Williams (2020), Two aspects of decadal ENSO variability modulating the long-term global carbon cycle, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086390, doi:10.1029/2019GL086390

Master student @ Univ. of Zurich
Rhonda Müller
Supervising her Master thesis
R. Müller, J.-S. Km* et al. Increased Arctic temperature extremes under geoengineering radiation management, in preparation

PhD student @ Univ. of Zurich
Raleigh Grysko
Supervising his PhD thesis
R. Grysko, J.-S. Km* et al. Interannual and intraseasonal variability in Arctic temperature and surface energy fluxes, in preparation